Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 2: Bestie & a new quote to live by

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you've been closest with the longest

This is my bestie, Terran (left)! We've been friends since preschool. And the funny thing is, is that our past goes back even further as her mom and my dad grew up living next door to each other. Small world. I love her to death and wouldn't know what to do without her. She has two amazing boys that are my little nephews and I love them to death too. I don't know where life would be without having her around. Here's too many more years to come and life adventures to experience together :)

Quote Time:

I recently just came across this quote and I'm going to make it my current quote to live by because it's so great and so true. "Twenty years from now will you be more dissapointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did do?" I need to start living and really experiencing things so that I can have those memories to pass down.

Happy Friday Lovelies,


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